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Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Why complicate things..??!

Hi folks.

Sorry la for not able to find the right time tuk update my blog. Anyway, I'm writing about yang selalu orang nak buat kalau dah terdesak.

Selalunya laa kan, kalau seseorang itu akan menjadi minoriti dia akan cuba untuk cari jalan....cari jalan ni dalam konotasi yang sangat simple ialah to complicate things.

This is always faced by the beginners yang banyak idea yang bernas untuk diutarakan dan cuba untuk diketengahkan tapi apa yang akan berlaku??! Hampir keseluruhan idea dari beginners ni dicantas sehingga menjadi "tunggul kayu". Worst nightmares kann...

Tak cukup dengan "mencantas", dicondemn pulak orang yang cuba untuk membuat suatu perubahan. Cuba cakap, bagaimana nak maju?

Nak mengarah orang untuk melaksanakan sesuatu perkara amat mudah. Tapi fikir juga kepada orang yang menerima arahan dan ditugaskan tugasan yang tahap "mission impossible without proper guideline".

This is crazy man...!!!

Monday, 4 February 2013

AES: Mengupas Kebenaran

Timbul pelbagai isu tentang Sistem Penguatkuasaan Automatik (AES) di dalam media beberapa hari ia dipasang, terutama sekali di kalangan ahli−ahli politik (malas nak nyatakan siapa).

Persoalannya, mengapa kita begitu kuat mempertahankan pesalah−pesalah trafik? Bukankah kita menggunakan jalanraya setiap hari dan menyedari betapa tingkahlaku sesetengah pengguna jalanraya adalah sangat menjengkelkan dan merbahaya?

Memandu melebihi had laju, melanggar lampu isyarat, memotong barisan, memotong di jalan garisan 2 selari serta mereka yang memasuki jalan-jalan larangan pada waktu puncak; ini semua senario harian dalam pengalaman pemanduan kita semua.

Adakah kita ini semata−mata sebuah negara yang dipenuhi dengan para pengguna jalanraya yang tidak bertimbangrasa sehinggakan kita harus menyuarakan ketidakpuasan hati kita kepada sebuah sistem baharu yang boleh menyelamatkan nyawa kepada semua pengguna?

AES telah pun dilaksanakan di seluruh dunia terutama di negara-negara membangun seperti Perancis, Jerman, Australia, Singapura dan Amerika Syarikat. Terdapat lebih daripada 90 negara di seluruh dunia yang telah melaksanakan sistem elektronik yang serupa dan hasilnya dapat dimanfaatkan.

Kita ambil contoh Perancis di mana jumlah kematian akibat kemalangan jalanraya telah menurun sebanyak 27% dalam tempoh hanya 3 tahun selepas dilaksanakan. Di Kuwait, kadar kemalangan trafik berkurang sebanyak 48% sementara di Jerman, 80% daripada para pengguna jalanraya mula mematuhi peraturan-peraturan jalanraya di kawasan-kawasan yang telah diletakkan di bawah pengawasan AES.

Sejak fasa pertama pelancarannya di negara kita pada 23 September 2012, 14 kamera telah dipasang di kawasan-kawasan "blackspot" di Perak, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya telah dilaporkan dapat merakamkan sejumlah 63,558 kesalahan trafik dalam masa 8 hari beroperasi.

Perangkaan ini seharusnya mengingatkan kita semua agar mematuhi undang-undang trafik, bukannya untuk kita menimbulkan perbalahan & kekecohan yang boleh mengelirukan rakyat. Usaha yang boleh mendatangkan kebaikan untuk semua kalau terus menerus dipolitikkan...tak tau laa apa nak jadi.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Education PR: Study Case

In my previous post, I've wrote about what is Education PR (EPR) is all about, the practice, the needs and objectives.  Can't recall? No worries, I suggest you refer back to my previous post and take your time to understand the purpose of needs for PR consultation in the school district.

Those who already got the clear picture on EPR, then proceed to my first study case chronology (just in brief for your easy and simple understanding). While reading this, try to imagine if this horrific crisis took place in our country. Imagine if there were stranger just walked in to our kids' school with a dangerous weapon in hand and launch a massive attacks to all students and school staffs. Not just stranger, it could be anyone...among the students or/and the staff. Who knows?! Especially those who is depressed. Then how are we going to respond due to this scenario; how to explain to all parents, public...especially to the MEDIA who will write the story for millions to read via public/press statement.

Huge tasks isn't it? This is not a fairy is happened and this is reality!!

Cindy Campbell, Associate Director
University Police Department
California Polytechnic State University

(archived story, click here)

Noon Wednesday, May 6 2009, was especially festive on the Wesleyan University campus. Another winter semester was ending and, even though finals would begin soon, it was time to party as the annual Spring Fling got started on the Middletown, CT, campus.

In less than 2 hours the fun and celebration were instantly transformed to shock and fear. Tensions would be high over the next 2 days as a student body of 2500 was sequestered in their living quarters.

An hour after Spring Fling began, a cold-blooded killer (Stephen Morgan) walked in a university bookstore and emptied his gun into beautiful young co-ed working there.

Within 40 minutes of that shooting, a mass email, a voice mail and text messages were broadcast to the entire Wesleyan family. It would be the first of at least 12 public updates from university president, Michael Roth, in the 47 hours between the murder and the arrest of the suspect. In that initial message, Roth said, "We advise students, faculty and staff to remain indoors until more information is available".

The response by Roth and the city was swift and organized. In the early stages they had no idea what they were dealing with. Was this a crazed gunman, like the one who killed 32 people and himself during a campus rampage 2 years ago at Virginia Tech? (refer to my "Extra Study Case" below)

Roth, the police chief and the mayor obviously were in constant touch with each other. Their actions were coordinated and reassuring. On the morning of day 2, less than 24 hours after the shooting, all 3 held a joint news briefing to update the community.

Meals were delivered to dorms and homes where students lived so that they would remain indoors. University president Roth took his family to have dinner with students at the one open dining facility the evening of day 2. In addition to his other updates, the university president also kept his own blog updated.

Roth extended dates for exams, even into the summer, in order to meet the needs of students who had made unalterable travel plans, or were just too shaken. He asked professors to be flexible in light of the tragedy.

Harassed before been shot
He has made sure in his online messaging that students are aware of support systems available to them as well as plans for memorials in honor of Johanna Justin-Jinich.

Using all the available avenues of communication, Michael Roth and city officials prevented panic and made sure the entire community was connected to events as they evolved. Once it was clear that there was a specific suspect and that he did not pose an immediate danger to the student population, Roth began reopening the campus.

Obviously, the university and city had to react to events as they understood them at any given time. Some things you just cannot anticipate. But having a basic plan gave them the flexibility to improvise as necessary.

Crisis Parking??

When a crisis happens:

  • Campus resources will be immediately overwhelmed
  • Lines of Communication may be severely limited (radios, phones, internet access)
  • The faster you can return your campus to normal operations, the quicker you begin the recovery process

Extra Study Case: Virginia Tech Massacre
(archive story, click here)

April 16, 2007

"Totally under-prepared."

"At the time, there was no established line of communication between Parking & Transportation and University Public Relations."

"Hundreds of state and federal law enforcement vehicles unintentionally exacerbated the parking and traffic situation on campus".

"At the time...we realized that no media plan existed."

"The media WILL be here. They will be of some benefit."
Richard McCoy, Parking Manager, VT

"350 over news outlets and the 60 - 70 satellite trucks quickly overwhelmed campus parking operations".

"Must prepare for numerous grief activities and to support the special needs of victims and VIPSs".

Virginia Tech: Chronological Events Took Place

Day 1:
  • Crisis Management: No communication could be established with Campus Police.
  • Dismissal of Campus Personnel - Removed operational managers from decision loop.
  • "Campus roadways were in gridlock" - no movement and no parking staff could help due to lack of radio communication.

Day 2: Week 2: "Grief Activities"
Observation & Lessons Learned:
  • Need a coordination meeting at the beginning of Day 2.
  • Have a media Parking Plan in place (written guidelines).
  • Enhanced coordination & communication between P&T and local Police agencies.
  • Prepare for numerous off-campus mourners & sightseers to want to be at grief site.
  • Prepare to receive large number of unexpected and sporadic "grief volunteers".
  • Hosting an event with the President of the United States will halt support to everything else.
  • Identify a location to stage a large number of personnel and vehicles for support of main campus (i.e. airport).
  • Deploying a liaison to non-university agencies (i.e. transit) was helpful.
  • Deploying a liaison to university public relations department can be useful.


Panic and lack of planning will exacerbate any problem!!

  • Lives may be at risk!
  • Fallout can affect the entire campus!
  • Effects may not be short term!

Why do school needs PR?

My writing this time is actually based from my Special Topics in PR assignment on Education's PR. For your info, according to National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) professionals definition, Educational PR (EPR) is a planned and systematic management function to help improve the programs and services of an educational organization. It relies on a comprehensive 2-way communications process involving both internal and external public with a goal of stimulating a better understanding of the role, objectives, accomplishments and needs of the organization.

Educational PR programs assist in interpreting public attitudes, identify and help shape policies and procedures in the public interest and carry on involvement and information activities which earn public understanding and support. Well, too factual isn't it? "Class, you need to understand the meaning of EPR then you can express your writing for this topic by relating to the case study", this is what my lecturer always advise to us as a Mass Comm. PR student.

There's 2-types of PR in education sector; School PR and University PR. Yup...the main question are still unanswered yet. Why the need for PR in school districts? First, F.Y.I this is the media age. Therefore, school communication needs have increased dramatically and become more complex. A school district needs a professional PR person to develop and execute its communication plans through both print/electronic media and face-to-face communication, and to handle relations with the multitude of media that call school districts weekly.

Second, education is under attack!! By whom? Probably from taxpayers, business groups and it could be anybody. A school district needs a professional school PR person to publicize the positive news about student/staff achievement and programs, and to develop a coordinated proactive, rather than reactive, approach that anticipates problems before they develop. If there is no positive communication from the school district, the critic's voices are only ones that will be heard.

Third, the scope of successful school public relations has expanded greatly. How? There's a greatly increased need for face-to-face communication with the many public in our community. A professional school PR person needs to schedule community relations programming, orientations, open day, etc. to build informed support and solid community relationships.

Most of us, when the issue been raised about PR in school many don't have a clear picture on what does/can  a school PR professional do for a district. In my writing for this paper, I've include several EPR's main roles and functions in brief as follow:
  • PR counsel - Provides PR counsel, taking a proactive stance. Anticipates problems and provides solutions.
  • Communication with internal and external public - Handles all aspects of the school district's publications such as its external newspaper and internal newsletter, among others.
  • Media relations - Writes news releases for all local newspapers/TV/radio; works to get media coverage of school districts news. Serves as the media's liaison with the school district.
  • Budget/bond issue campaigns - Stays closely attuned to the entire budget-making process and promotes community input. Develops budget/bond issue campaigns and publications.
  • Communications planning/crisis communications planning - Writes/develops a communications plan for the district, detailing how to reach its internal and external public; writes/develops a crisis communications plan of reaching public, gathering the facts and dealing with media in a crisis.

Instead school, there's also Universities Public Relations. Like in some universities in the U.S. the PR Department is housed under the University Relations Department. Typically, the department has a news bureau, government relations, community relations, public affairs as well as marketing communication units.

Compare to most universities in Malaysia, the PR Department in housed under the Corporate Communications Department. For example, in UiTM the Corporate Communications Department comprises of the PR Unit, the Information and Publications Unit, Broadcasting and Multimedia Unit and Web Media Unit.

Its roles and functions also different with the PR for school district. Among others, the University PR identify issues of concern to the university and develops communications strategies as needed; handles public and media issues for the Board of Trustees; and processes public records requests. This is only a few, there's many more.

Actually there's a main reason why PR are needed in school. Especially when stumble with a serious situation like what has happen in the U.S. I'll post my case study on "Crisis Communications & The Media" regarding on EPR. You'll be surprise when you relates on why do school needs PR.

- next post to be cont. -

Monday, 7 January 2013

History - Maktab Perguruan Kent

Hi folks,

This is my first post about history. Actually aku takde laa expert sangat pasal sejarah ni....hanya sekadar nak sharing jerr. Selepas tengok siaran rancangan Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah, aku duk teringat cerita my mom about her college life kat Maktab Perguruan Kent, Tuaran, Sabah sekitar tahun 1960 - 1963. Kalau aku cuti balik kampung jer, kat dinding rumah mesti terpampang potret my mom wearing white uniform (mini skirt okey). That's I'd like to share laa sejarah penubuhan maktab ni sebab mungkin ramai yang tak tahu akan maktab ini yang telah dibuka oleh British dulu (aku tak lahir lagi time tu).

Tarikh Peristiwa: 18 Oktober 1952

Maktab Perguruan Kent, Borneo Utara (Sabah) telah dirasmikan pembukaannya oleh Puteri Duchess of Kent. Hadir dalam majlis ini adalah Pemangku Pengetua Maktab, J. Winders dan Gabenor Borneo Utara, Sir Ralph Hone.

Sebenarnya untuk pengetahuan korang, idea untuk menubuhkan Maktab Perguruan ini dicetuskan oleh Encik R. Parry yang merupakan Pengarah Jabatan Pendidikan Borneo Utara yang pertama. Mengenai matlamat penubuhannya pula, ianya bertujuan untuk melatih bakal guru yang akan mengajar di sekolah rendah khususnya sekolah Melayu Kerajaan.

Maktab Perguruan Kent pada awalnya dikenali dengan nama Kent Teachers Training College (KTTC). Ia merupakan maktab tertua di Sabah dan ke-4 di Malaysia. Situated di Pekan Tuaran, lebih kurang 35 km dari Kota Kinabalu. Before that, maktab ni telah mula beroperasi pada 15 April 1951 dengan menumpang di Trade School, Menggatal. Pengajian bermula dengan menampilkan guru pelatih seramai 40 orang dalam bidang pertanian dan pertukangan. Setelah siap bangunan sebenar di Tuaran, maktab ini berpindah dan seterusnya dirasmikan oleh Duchess of Kent Princess Marina pada 18 Oktober 1952.

Pembinaan maktab ini telah dimulakan pada tahun 1951 dan siap pada bulan Oktober 1952. Pada awal penubuhan maktab ini, kurikulumnya adalah untuk memenuhi matlamat Dasar Tanah Jajahan. Selain daripada untuk menguasai konsep kamhiran asas menulis, membaca dan mengira, para pelatih diajar bercucuk tanam, pertukangan tangan, ilmu kesihatan, sejarah, kegiatan masyarakat serta kemahiran mengajar. Tenaga pengajar pada peringkat permulaan terdiri Encik Gidney sebagai Pengetua, Encik Osman bin Haji Sidek dan Encik Mursidi bin Nambi sebagai Pensyarah serta Cik M.C. Lewis dan Encik Din bin Mat sebagai Pembantu Pensyarah.

So, that's it laa. Nostalgia juga kan kalau nak tengok sejarah pembinaan sesebuah institusi. Maktab ni sedar tak sedar usianya dah menjangkau 61 tahun dalam usaha mengasuh, mendidik dan melahirkan bakal-bakal guru....termasuklah my mom yang dah pun pencen sebagai guru matematik pada tahun 2000.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

AJL 27: About The Show

Before I go further, here are the 12 finalist and the final result yang bertanding dalam Anugerah Juara Lagu Ke-27 yang secara live di TV3 pada 6 Januari 2013:

Juara: Terukir Di Bintang - Yuna (performed by Aizat & The Palauan)

Naib Juara: Idola - Azlan & The Typewriter

Ketiga: Ku Akui - Hafiz (also won Best Vocal)

Persembahan Terbaik: Teman Pengganti - Black ft. RJ

Other finalists:

Pelangi Senja - Stacy

Ombak Rindu - Adira & Hafiz

Anak Kampung - Jimmy Palikat ft. One Nations Emcee

Patah Seribu - Shila Hamza

Simetri - Hazama ft. Amy Search

Lagu - Bedroom Sanctuary

Tanpa Mu - Amir Jahari

Andai Ku Bercinta Lagi - Mojo

What about it??

Terukir Di Bintang: Lyrics and composed by Yunalis Zarai a.k.a Yuna tapi performed by Aizat sebab Yuna kini berada di Los Angeles, Amerika sedang sibuk merakamkan album dengan seorang well known composer David Foster. Well, talking about Aizat's performance biarpun bukan penyanyi asal untuk Terukir Di Bintang memang superb and brilliant. Tidak seperti finalis lain yang kelihatan bersungguh-sungguh menumpukan kepada corak persembahan pentas, tapi Aizat just bersahaja and he just deliver the song dengan relax saja. Sampai ada yang cakap, Aizat much better sing that song compare dengan Yuna. Tapi apa pun, Yuna seorang composer and young talented singer which now try her luck abroad. Congrats and all the best Yuna.

Idola: Konsep persembahan Azlan and the gang kalau buat betul-betul memang menjadi. Tapi tak tau apa yang kurenggs, their whole performance serba tak kena. Tapi lagu Idola ni memang best especially si Azlan punya vocal yang mantap. Tema AJL 27 "Ekspresi Seni" tahun ni memang kena dengan Azlan and The Typewriter sebab kalau tengok solekan dan baju dorang memang superb. Kalau aku artis pun (amboii...berangan jap) nak konsep yang macam ni juga.

Ku Akui: Ini tahun yang ketiga si Hafiz yang dicungkil bangkatnya dari program realiti TV (AF7) layak ke peringkat akhir AJL dan selepas Dato' Siti Nurhaliza melepaskan penyertaan dalam pertandingan ini, si Hafiz yang bolot. Tapi memang terakui dengan kemantapan vocal Hafiz and if kita tengok in period 3 years, vocal Hafiz semakin matang. Ramai juga dalam laman sosial FB predict yang si Hafiz this year will wear....maybe just a boxer!! Hahaaa....takkan laa kan? Ye la because last year untuk lagu Awan Nano he just appear with a simple t-shirt and a tracksuit je. Tapi menang juga. But overall, well done to Hafiz and Ajai (composer for this hits song).

Teman Pengganti: As a viewer, I have no problem with Black & RJ the rapper (penyanyi asal Malique cum the composer for this song). Both of them nyanyi podium bulat dengan dinding pemisah di tengah-tengah tu. Yang ni pun I think no problem. Cuma yang cacat nyer 4 orang yang tercegat kat tepi tangga pentas tu. Nak kata backup singer tak juga. But hey...apa lagi nak complaint some more kan. Dah lagu ni have been voted as Persembahan Terbaik AJL 27. Tapi lagu ni memang deep laa its meaning. It's a very sad song. Congrats!!

Pelangi Senja: Maybe tak keterlaluan kot if I'm saying this song is a hits from our own Princes of Pop Malaysia, Stacy. Selepas menang dari AF6, Stacy memang meletup-letup dengan her dance move, her hits single, and bergabung meletups (featured with a few artists). Though she never won any since layak ke final AJL few years back, but she still came out strong with her vocal. This song is a slow track tapi best. Her only props in this performance is titi which from my point of view unnecessary laa kot. Stacy, lagu ni dah cukup kuat. Why don't you just focus on deliver the song....your vocal pun mantap. Kat FB pun Stacy tak ketinggalan dikomen sebab she's gaining weight. Takpe laa...biasa laa tu.

Ombak Rindu: Ni lagu soundtrack dari filem Ombak Rindu starred by Aaron Aziz, Maya Karin and Lisa Surihani. Mantap gandingan Hafiz and Adira (AF8). Props....800 kuntum bunga planted kat atas stage tuu!! Lagu ni memang kegilaan ramai, apatah lagi laa filem Ombak Rindu. Tak payah lagi aku nak bagitau pasal apa. Cuma tak payah laa si Aaron tu nak muncul lagi tuk AJL 27 dan dukung si Adira. Sebab lepas filem dan lagu Ombak Rindu box office, banyak sangat dah special appearance si Aaron Aziz ni. Yang pompuan suka la. Tapi why don't just think of something different sebab kita nak tonjolkan si Hafiz and Adira. By the way, vocal Adira memang mantap macam ala-ala penyanyi Indonesia....sebutan jelas bila menyanyi tak mengada-ngada. Anyhow, job well done to both of you.

Anak Kampung: My Oh My....aku nak describe lagu ni just in 1 word - CATCHY!! Compose and sang by anak jati Sabah, Jimmy Palikat...lepas tu collaborate lagi with One Nations Emcee always makes me to step out from my car and dance (time aku driving la). Kalau tengok persembahan Jimmy dan One Nations terbahagi kepada 2. Jimmy's side Sabahan (of course laa kan) and the last part is Dikir Barat. 1Malaysia maa...baru laa best!! But looking at the dancers wearing embroidered costume of Sabah's native memang makes me even prouder as being among of the Sabahan.

Patah Seribu: Shila Hamza.....why yang aku cakap dari awal lagi most of the finalists focus on persembahan je sampai vocal pun terjejas. Shila memang aku minat. Not just she's beautiful but her vocal is one of a kind. Dalam AJL 26 Shila layak ke final dengan Beribu Sesalan featuring herself, Jaclyn Victor and Ning Baizura. Kali ni, vocal Shila slipt because dah terlalu emotional time dialogue intro. Nak kata because of she's lack of experience tak juga. Jangan memain....she ranked 1st runner up in reality TV program "One In A Million" then represent Malaysia and won kat Shanghai (China). She's a sweetheart laa selepas pakai hijab, and my advise jangan salah percaturan lagi next time because your song is a killer song....silap-silap Shila Hamza boleh rangkul Vocal Terbaik dalam AJL akan datang.

Simetri: Pheewwiiitt!! Tapi aku memang serabut dan tak faham apa sebenarnya konsep persembahan Hazama dengan otai rockers kita, Amy Search. Sorang kat bongkah kiri, sorang lagi kat kanan. Api menyala-nyala, suasana haru biru bila tengah-tengah stage ada plak group yang fighting. 4 minit performance tuu, 4 minit juga laa group tuu fighting. Abstrak betul persembahan. Tapi lagu ni bukan calang-calang. Untung laa Hazama dapat duet dengan rock legend kita Amy Search.

Lagu: Simple je tajuk lagu ni - "Lagu" sang by Bedroom Sanctuary. Tengok, nama group pun memang unik. It is a sweet song and for me lagu ni sesuai kot time sunrise early morning....kan? (hahaa....berangan) Tapi konsep persembahan memang tak kena laa....sorry. Kat tengah lagu aderr plak macam breaker....selingan kononnya the music stop because it is stucked by the hair...aiyoo. Last minute kot dorang brain storm idea persembahan dorang. But it's a good try...lagi pun ni final AJL....anything can happen kan?!

Tanpa Mu: Aku tak tau macam mana nak describe persembahan artis ni. He's new and talented but....ishhk tak nak laa condemn. Macam laa aku pandai nyanyi kan hahaa...tapi untuk majukan diri sebagai penghibur I think kena terima kritikan dan pandangan laa k. Tapi Amir sings well and lagu ni pun memang best. Harap Amir jangan putus asa laa yer....keep up the good work!!

Andai Ku Bercinta Lagi: Baru pulak aku tau suara intro (ala-ala seram tuu) rupanya suara Marsha Milan Londoh pulak hehee...but hey Aweera's vocal pun memang mantap. Ada chance untuk rangkul best vocal. Composer untuk lagu ni pun Edry KRU perform sama main instrument. Caya laa bro. Persembahan Mojo actually takderr yang janggal....baju pun cantik cuma competition memang sengit laa kan...

Memang enjoy laa tengok AJL 27 live even just kat TV jerr....well malas nak gi tengok live kat Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil tuu....congrats and well done to all finalis. AJL 28 plak....what its gonna be and who will be the finalists....tak sabar nak tunggu....

My Leo Horoscope for 2013

"You posses an attractive personality with broad shoulders. By nature you will remain courageous, daring and adventurous. You respect big hearted people. By nature, you are strict on your vows. You have an amazing quality of leadership. You work with intense energy. Anger should be controlled. You are an independent thinker. Discipline and principle are your ways of implementing work. You are capable of controlling yourself in terms of satisfaction and salvation. You are very ambitious, which might make you greedy sometimes. People like you are great philosophers and loves literature as well as fine arts".

It says that.....

From family point of view, this year would be wonderful. Some religious or spiritual activity might take place at home. There would be an environment of happiness as well as peace in your family. Relations with brothers and sisters will be strengthened. They will also progress in their lives. You might visit a family members behave nicely towards you. If any legal issue is going on in your family, then it might get over this year.

This year is positive for health too. Except small ailments, your year will be progressive for health. Even if you fall ill due to climatic change or any other type of disease, then you will recover fast. If you are suffering from an old disease, then you might get relieved from it this year. You will keep on travelling to change your mood. Over all, this year would be quite fruitful for your health.

This year will be quit positive for love related affairs. If you leave minute intricacies, then the rest of the year is quite compatible. It is recommended for you not to force things at some situations, otherwise relations might get sour. You will get many opportunities to travel with your partner. These trips might be related to different countries or spiritual places. Tensions related to children will disappear this year. You may go emotional by getting the love from your relatives or loved ones.

You are going to do something special this year in terms of business or some work. The dimensions of your work will increase or a promotion might come your way. You will get an opportunity to enter new business or venture. During this period you will fetch love and respect from the elderly and powerful people. A business trip is seen. Some rivals will stand in opposition but it won't affect you much. Strong will power will save you from mind fluctuations as well as delusions in tough situations and you will do the right work. Your social circle and status will also increase.

Throughout the year, your income will be ordinarily good. Consistency in income will help you in good savings. Family will also support you at the utmost level in your saving schemes. Some new sources of income might show up. This would also be a reason for your increased income. You might also earn via some international sources. If your money has been stuck somewhere, then little effort can get you back your money. Put your best efforts because this time will give you the best results.

This year is good for studies. You are ready to put your best efforts. It is a good time to participate in some competitive exam and you will get success. If you are looking for some new institution, then this year you might get one, which will offer you a new and right way to your career. Ones who are willing to study at far places of other countries, this year looks positive for them.

Well, that was a relieve for me to hear such a positive words from my horoscope. I just need to open up my mind and I do hope it really works to boost my new year. I know I need to work really hard in a smart way to achieve all that. What's your horoscope are saying??

How To Make Things Right After Cheating

If you have cheated and you would like to know how to make things right after cheating, then you will like this post as I am going to give you the first 3 steps that you have to take. It is very possible to repair your relationship even after an affair. The one things that must exist though is that you have to be willing to work it out.

There is something that you must understand though, the other person has to be willing to work it out too. There are steps that you can take it insure that your partner is getting what they need in the relationship so that they will want to work it out, but that is outside the scope of this post.

The good news is that you can work it out if there is something there called LOVE. Even if it is buried deep beneath some pain and hurt and anger, if it is there you can get through it.

Step 1:
A big and honest apology. It is important that this come from the heart. You will be shocked how far an apology can go.

Step 2:
Walk a tight rope. What I mean here is that you should sin no more and don't do anything that would make your partner feel insecure or jealous. Now is not the time. This may mean giving up some of your relationships. Be rational, but important to understand.

Step 3:
Wait a sec. I know that you want to do more, but for now, waiting is important. During this waiting time you should check in on them and ask them how they are doing. These contacts are just to check in on their well being. Also during this waiting period you should work on yourself and make "you" more attractive. Working out and how you can better meet their needs in the relationship will make you more attractive and increase your chances of getting them back.

If you follow the 3 beginning steps on the road to relationship recovery, you will make huge strides and give yourself a great chance at getting them back and making things right after cheating.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

New Year 2013 is a fresh start

Idol Talk: Jennifer Lopez

"When you're young, you think you know it all. But at a certain point you come to realise you don't. That's the payoff of becoming an adult. You find a kind of inner strength you don't have when you are younger"